Alter ego

Soul mates … Na … Leaving all the control to the power up is good but seriously sometimes u have to take the steering wheel yourself and steer through life. If it’s destined to be it will be ,…… Well I don’t completely agree if it’s not meant to be , until u wanna make it happen …grab a coat , move out , search your alter ego ‘ the other u’ and if u ever find them never let them go … Ever.


This is not something god gifted or that would develop withind days , things like this need time and patience . Got lucky enough to find one and believe me, m holding on tightly forever.  Some days u have to work hard to keep going and somedays even harder.

Best friend -part 1

A word so special ….. A word that can mean life to many people aka being that ideal soul sisters or alter ego. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have experience that feeling if if they do maybe not for a very long time , but as they say good and especially best friendships are forever and through the roughest of the times. 


Everybody wants have that ideal best friend but well….. Nobody wants to be that ideal best friend. Losing yourself in the process is not the motto but to grow together without growing apart is the deal .

If u already have one , never let him/her go , and if u really want one try becoming one for a change , cause if ever u loose them , one day u will look back and realise how much u have lost and how easily it could have been kept.

hold onto that special bond it may require effort sometimes but believe me – ITS WORTH IT